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Pub Quiz Questions Round 3

This is a readymade, free and printable list of Pub Quiz Questions Round 3. It's easy to print just by right clicking on the question list below and selecting the printing option. We hope you have fun and enjoy the challenge of answering our selection of Bar, Pub brain teasers!



Pub Quiz Q and A Index

Quiz Categories Index

1. True or False Question: 30 years of marriage is represented by a ruby wedding anniversary?
2. True or False Question: Charles Dickens is the author of �Great Expectations'?
3. True or False Question: The mafia originated from the island of Sicily
4. True or False Question: The word black can be placed before the following words: mamba, hole, magic?


True or False Question: The Roman numeral 'M' symbolizes the number 100?
6. True or False Question: The roadrunner is the state bird of New Mexico?
7. True or False Question: The capital city of Australia is Sydney?
8. True or False Question: True or False: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are thought to have been located in Iraq
9. True or False Question: A boa constrictor is a type of lizard?
10. True or False Question: The dragon represents the year 2014 in the Chinese zodiac calendar ?
11. True or False Question: Muhammad Ali is a famous javelin thrower?
12. True or False Question: A nickel is worth 50 cents?


True or False Question: The colours of the Olympic flag are white, black, green, yellow, red and blue?
14. True or False Question: Beneath the mantle, the inner core of the Earth is mainly made of Metal?
15. True or False Question: The USS Enterprise (Starship Enterprise) aircraft carrier was nicknamed the Big E?
16. True or False Question: Hate is one of the seven deadly sins?
17. True or False Question: Level 42 had a hit song in the 80s with Take On Me?
18. True or False Question: The patron saint of Wales, UK is Saint Andrew?
19. True or False Question: The star sign Libra is represented by the symbol of the crab?
20. True or False Question: The design concept for the Smart Car was inspired by Swatch watches?

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Pub Quiz Questions Round 3