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Science Quiz Questions Round 1

This is a readymade, free and printable list of True or False Science Quiz Questions Round 1. It's easy to print just by right clicking on the question list below and selecting the printing option. We hope you have fun and enjoy the challenge of answering our selection of Bar, Science brain teasers!



Science Quiz Q and A Index

Quiz Categories Index

1. True of False Question: Platelets help the blood to thicken?
2. True of False Question: Oxygen is element number one on the periodic table?
3. True of False Question: The longest bone in the human body is the femur?
4. True of False Question: A sepal, pistil and stamen all parts of a tree?


True of False Question: Thomas Edison invented the first practical incandescent light bulb?
6. True of False Question: AC means Alternating Current?
7. True of False Question: Humans have 13 pairs of ribs?
8. True of False Question: Protons, neutrons and electrons make up an atom?
9. True of False Question: The first visible colour in a rainbow (the first colour at the top) is green?
10. True of False Question: The three elements required to ignite a fire are heat, oxygen and fuel?
11. True of False Question: The moon 'Titan' orbits Planet Jupiter?
12. True of False Question: There are 10 more teeth in a complete set of adult teeth than a set of deciduous teeth (milk teeth)?


True of False Question: The smallest of the eight official planets in our solar system is Mercury?
14. True of False Question: The distance travelled divided by the time taken is the formula used for working out speed?
15. True of False Question: The only body organ able to regenerate itself is the heart?
16. True of False Question: John Pemberton was a pharmacist who invented coca cola?
17. True of False Question: The chemical symbol for Magnesium on the period table is M?
18. True of False Question: The chemical formula H2SO4 is for Sulfuric Acid?
19. True of False Question: Helium is a colourless, odourless gas?
20. True of False Question: The four main blood groups are known as C, A, B, AB?

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True or False Science Quiz Questions Round 1